

. . .

Hello there, Dear Reader. Whoever and wherever you are, love.

How magical it is that we’re meeting here in cyberspace. Complete strangers, living our little lives.

Perhaps we’re a continent or two apart. Or maybe we’re neighbors unbeknownst.

Yet we’re in each other’s homes, in each other’s lives.

Here. Now.

And maybe by the time your eyes skim these uploaded words, your blue light glasses trying their damndest to let you read just one more post, chapter, or page, I’ll have curled up beneath the comforter and drifted to a much-needed dreamless sleep.

And yet our words stay up. Alert. Dedicated.


. . .


SnapDragon X. Writer of fictions, writer of poetry. Lazy painter of cartoonish women in the nude. Homemaker just barely keeping her head above the dishwater. Out-of-the-traditional-classroom educator. Atheist. CD-lover. Former makeup-wearer.


Experiencing feelings of preoccupation; dysphoria; anger; bloat. Also: bliss; synesthesia; rebirth; gratitude.


(she writes down her precise mailing address in neat, all-capital letters)


All of the todays.


Doesn’t want to be someone who blindly goes through life, unquestioningly eating the fodder before her. Wants to consume the arts with abandon but also create with purpose. Wants her house, her clothes, her tastes to be unapologetic reflections of her chipped-teacup kind of soul.


Sixty seconds. Sixty minutes. Bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit by bit.

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SnapDragon is a weirdo artist who self-identifies as a curvy-petite badass.

Follow Snippets of SnapDragon for musings from her outspoken, RV-traveling, book-and-TV-obsessed life.

8 responses to “Unpeeled.”

  1. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. And in such an interesting way. Take care of you and all you love.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, dear friend. Same to you. 🕊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I never thought about writing that way, but it is true.
    I love the idea of consuming the arts with abandon…

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The power of words is a connection that transcends all type of medium and overcomes all obstacles ❣️

    Always a treat reading yours 😘🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear Teri! I truly appreciate that. 🕊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You rock babe 😉😘

        Liked by 1 person

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