Chip Lips.

I’ve been eating barbecue chips like they’re goin’ outta style, yo. (But that’s not what this post is about. Better read on. . .)

. . .


I’m perched here in our RV, cozied up in fruit-punch-colored sweatpants, the dim hum of the heater droning on in an inexplicably comforting way.

It’s unseasonably cold here in PA, so The SnapDragon Family is playing inside today.

Oh well.

Time for thinking.

Time for dreaming.

Time for resting these weary bones.

. . .

After reading a post by a friend of mine, I’m thinking a lot about control.

And, how very little of it we have in our lives.

Infancy. Toddlerhood. Childhood. Adolescence.

Family. Society. School. Economics.

Then, at last: Adulthood.

Adulthood. Which, generally speaking, is the bulk of our time spent on this planet.


(Cue another cycle of circumstances beyond our control.)

. . .

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Dear Reader:

All I can control are my own actions.

All I can control are my own actions.

All I can control are my own actions.

. . .

I want to be:

-Patient. Because wouldn’t I want someone to be patient with me? I’m a flawed human being, just like the rest of ‘em. Sometimes it takes awhile to learn, to get it right. And that’s okay. It’s okay.

-Kind. Again: Golden Rule. Life’s much better when you’re kind. We’re so much prettier when we smile. Plus, people always remember how we made them feel. And I want people to feel valued. I want people to feel loved: friends and strangers both.

-Curious. There is a ridiculous amount to learn in this world, in this universe! Why would I not ask questions? Because I’m afraid of looking stupid? Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs. Blue. I’m going to spend my days learning, and growing. The journey never ends.

-Authentic. I spent far too many years hiding pieces of me. People-pleasing. Dogma-abiding. Apologizing for being human. I. Am. Human. This body is finite. It’s amazing. It’s dirty, and requires a rather unfair amount of upkeep. But it’s mine. And, I hope to use it in ways to spread joy: both to myself, and others.

. . .

And there we have it.

Another snippet from your girl SnapDragon.

(smiles and waves, and grabs another handful of kettle-cooked goodness)

‘Til next time.

. . .

SnapDragon is a homebody who enjoys putting stamps on envelopes.

Follow Snippets of SnapDragon for all things whimsically-authentic.

16 responses to “Chip Lips.”

    1. Just outside of Philly! 😎

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m right on the border of Allentown/Bethlehem

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, I love meeting bloggers near by. 😁


  1. I so resonated with the message of being able to control one’s own actions and that of having patience and being kind. Living during this pandemic, we need patience and kindness even more. I love how your bio is always creative and different Enjoy your chips!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, my friend! And yes: we need kindness now, maybe more so than ever! Wishing you well. 🦋

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome and thank you! Wishing you well too! 🦋

        Liked by 1 person

  2. “I want people to feel valued. I want people to feel loved: friends and strangers both” this, right here, is a daily goal of mine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I appreciate this post and identify heavily. The intent to introduce change or stability in my actions and behaviors is important. Although, for me, so much of my emotional and cognitive reactions rise long before I can control them, I only see them after they manifest. The journey continues!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It sure does, my friend. Some days are certainly easier than others! 🦋

      Liked by 1 person

  4. those are four great attributes to have! let’s hope it warms up soon…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! One last gasp of winter, I suppose. 🤷🏻‍♀️

      Liked by 1 person

  5. My Rollercoaster Journey Avatar
    My Rollercoaster Journey

    I want to be patient and kind too

    Liked by 1 person

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