Tuesday Talks: Starting Over.

Come on! We need your input, yo!

Yes Please, 2019. Maine.
Original Photo by SnapDragon X.
All rights reserved.

Todayโ€™s Tuesday Talk Question:

When was a time you โ€œstarted overโ€? How did it feel? What helped you?

Remember to be kind in your responses! (And, you know. In life in general.)

Okay. Ready, set, go!

. . .

SnapDragon is a mom, cat-mom, and hoarder of hotel soaps.

Follow her Two-Bit Musings and more (like book reviews, artistic rants, poetry, and fun times in general) on Snippets of SnapDragon.

20 responses to “Tuesday Talks: Starting Over.”

  1. Hey. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    It was around four years ago. I had no motivation to continue, anything, whatsoever.
    The only thing that had me going was the undying hope that we all are born with. I just couldn’t lose the hope, the hope of being able to feel alive again.

    Peace and blessings ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿค—

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing this! I too, have had very low times. And they always pass. ๐Ÿ•Š

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      1. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’

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  2. Lately, it seems my start overs and do overs can be daily or even hourly. Whenever I am not living up to my best self and personal goals I may press reset.

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    1. I love this idea! How delightful to think we can always try again. There is always another chance to start fresh! We must always press on. ๐Ÿ•Š

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      1. Itโ€™s a gift for sure

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  3. nearly 40 years ago I quit my job and decided to go back to school to become a teacher; 35 years later I’m getting near the end of a wonderful career I have had as a teacher…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s lovely, Jim. I suppose I’m biased, being a teacher myself, but it warms my heart that you’ve dedicated so much time to education. Thank you for the work you do!

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      1. I had never thought about being a teacher until I was in my mid-20s, but going back to school was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. And thank you for the work that you do as well!

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      2. Thanks! Iโ€™ve been behind the scenes for the past few years, and will probably continue for a little while longer now that Iโ€™m a mom. But Iโ€™m at my best when Iโ€™m in the classroom. ๐Ÿ•Š

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      3. I am sure you are looking forward to returning to the classroom, but I am also sure you are thoroughly enjoying being a mom!

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      4. Oh yes! Very much, indeed. Tired but happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

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      5. I remember that tired but happy feeling quite well when our kids were little!

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  4. I recently starting over with my workout routine yesterday. yesterday I had motivation BUT today I MADE myself do it… I had to start over because I haven’t been consistent. How about you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s pretty much the story of my life-long relationship with exercise. ๐Ÿ™‚
      I have started over many times, especially in regards to my creative pursuits. I’ve started writing short stories and novels, only to declare them “trash”. There’s something therapeutic about literally tearing out pages of notebook paper and throwing them in the garbage. But I vow to never give up the struggle!

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      1. yes, so true on the therapeutic quality of tearing out notebook pages. For sure, don’t ever give up on your creative pursuits! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

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      2. Thanks! Same to you. ๐ŸŒท

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  5. When I moved against my will to a new place three years ago, it wasn’t easy. It meant new environment, new friends, new job. I felt life was harsh in my new location. Everyday I was filled with the thought of going back to my old location. But gradually, I made really good friends and began to see something good about my new location. Now, I do not feel like going back to the old location. Here is cool for my writing, family and life in general. There is always something good about anywhere we find ourself. We only need to change our mindset and that’s what I did to begin to enjoy my new location.

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    1. Thatโ€™s awesome! And itโ€™s such an important reminder. Even our fresh starts deserve a chance…and sometimes things turn out better than weโ€™d hoped. Glad youโ€™re enjoying where you are, friend. ๐Ÿ•Š

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